We know that payday loan and title loan debt can be frustrating, confusing and overwhelming for anyone trapped in this sticky web.
Pay Grace Forward is a local organization created to help people in Maury County who are paying exorbitant fees to these loan companies.
If you are ready to turn your life around and take control of your finances, we are ready to help. Our process is simple but effective, and best of all, it is free - with no cost to you, other than your time and a commitment to the process, as described below.
Pay Grace has helped others break the cycle of debt, and we can help you!
Listen below to Kim, one of our client friends, tell you about her experience going through the Pay Grace Forward mentoring program!
Everyone needs help at some point in their life; make the decision to ask for help.
Now that you have made the decision, contact our Executive Director, Nick Key, at (931) 548-6797 or email him HERE.
You will be paired with two carefully selected mentors who will help you create a budget, learn how to stick with it and help you get a handle on your loan debt.
When you have completed the 12-week process and successfully demonstrated a commitment to the process, you will be qualified to receive a low-interest "grace" loan from one of our bank partners for the purpose of consolidating your debt, eliminating the high-interest rates you are currently paying and helping you to reestablish your credit.
As with any other loan, you will be expected to repay your low-interest grace loan, until it is paid in full. Keep in mind that because your interest rate will be significantly lower than your current rate, you will experience almost immediate financial relief!
Your repayment of this loan will be used to help someone else caught in the debt trap.
We look forward to hearing from you and having you be an important part of our program!